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September 07, 2021

E47: Framing Your View of An Investment with Eliot Bencuya

At all stages, an investment can be viewed as a series of checklists. Whether it’s conducting due diligence, determining if an asset type will diversify your portfolio, or even if you have the means to invest in a new venture...

 At all stages, an investment can be viewed as a series of checklists. Whether it’s conducting due diligence, determining if an asset type will diversify your portfolio, or even if you have the means to invest in a new venture, it’s important to ask yourself questions and execute all of the steps required to build passive income safely and successfully. For Eliot Bencuya, CEO and co-founder of Streitwise, considering every step of an investment is all a part of the day-to-day. His extensive experiences in identifying, underwriting, sourcing, and executing value-add real estate.

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CamaPlan, a self-directed IRA administrator, makes alternative investing a breeze for clients.

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