Deciding to keep more of what you earn by investing in alternative assets in addition to or in lieu of your W2 income is a great move for many investors in order to grow their income. But even after you’ve opened a self-direc...
Deciding to keep more of what you earn by investing in alternative assets in addition to or in lieu of your W2 income is a great move for many investors in order to grow their income. But even after you’ve opened a self-directed IRA, funded the account, done your research on alternative investments, and found the perfect first deal to get started. The next challenge that presents itself is making sure you’ve got all you need to complete that perfect deal. If your IRA lacks the funds to make a purchase, how can you ensure you don’t miss out on the investment and stay within the guidelines of the IRS? CamaPlan’s Ryan Fischer has helped many new and existing clients navigate the ins and outs of funding their deals. He joins us to discuss creative, effective ways you can fund a deal in your IRA, including co-investing, borrowing, lending, and other strategies.
More From Camaplan & Ryan Fischer
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CamaPlan, a self-directed IRA administrator, makes alternative investing a breeze for clients.
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